Benötigst du eine persönliche Beratung?
Schreibe uns oder buche deine 1-zu-1-Beratung bei CARIFY
Android Auto
Apple CarPlay
Automatische Klimaanlage
DAB Radio
Eingebautes Navigationssystem
Einparksensoren hinten
Parksensoren vorne
Schaffhauserstrasse 6, 8500 Frauenfeld
Anpassbare Versicherung
Service & Unterhalt
Registrierung und Steuern
Keine Startgebühr
24/7 Pannenhilfe mit Ersatzwagen
Your subscription is automatically renewed for another month at the same conditions. Please note that you have to cancel the subscription early, but at least 30 days before the end of the subscription period via your account.
Apart from the subscription costs, you only pay for fuel, any fines and the insurance deductible in case of an accident.
If there's a need for service you could write our costumer service ([email protected]) or call (+41 43 588 22 02) us. We then will organize everything for you.
If you have an accident, you are of course insured. In case of an accident or breakdown you can contact us directly. If we are not available, you can use the "24/7 assistance" service provided by our insurance company.